Witches' Spells
This chart is a guideline for Spell construction. Spells are most effective and non-manipulative when worked upon the self. Thus, when doing a Love Spell, one would cast it upon oneself, thereby working to make the self more lovable and open to attracting the most perfect love.
Do not perform a Spell upon another person without their permission. Even when one has obtained the consent of all people concerned, performing a Spell upon others can have unexpected and disastrous results. One might, instead, work a particular Spell toward 'the highest good of all'.
You might also wish to CLICK HERE to download a free book, Gemstone Healing Properties, with over 240 Healing Stones in alphabetical order from Crown Jewels.
Color | Yellow, Blue |
Herb | Dittany of Crete, Mugwort, Poplar |
Stone | Quartz Crystal |
Color | Black |
Herb | Basil, Yarrow |
Stone | Halite (Salt) |
Color | White |
Herb | Avocado, Catnip, Flax, Ginsing, Ginkgo, Yerba Santa |
Stone | Herkimer Diamond, Jasper, Tiger's Eye |
Color | Green, Violet |
Herb | Benzoin, Bladderwrack, Dock, Vertivert |
Stone | Bloodstone |
Color | Yellow |
Herb | Vervain |
Stone | Calcite, Herkimer Diamond |
Color | White |
Herb | Cactus, Camphor, Coconut, Cucumber, Fleabane, Hawthorne, Lavender, Pineapple, Sweetpea, Vervain, Witch Hazel |
Stone | Jasper |
Color | Blue, Red |
Herb | Corn |
Stone | Geodes |
Color | Black |
Herb | Yew |
Stone | Fossils |
Color | Red |
Herb | Borage, Black Cohosh, Columbine, Masterwort, Mullein, Poke, Ragweed, Sweetpea, Tea, Thyme, Tonka, Wahoo, Yarrow |
Stone | Amethyst, Bloodstone, Herkimer Diamond, Tiger's Eye |
Color | White |
Herb | Basil |
Stone | Moonstone |
Color | Yellow |
Herb | Broom, Camphor, Cherry, Dandelion, Fig, Goldenrod, Ground Ivy, Hibiscus, Meadowsweet, Orange, Orris, Pomegranite |
Stone | Hematite, Moonstone, Tiger's Eye
| |
Color | Yellow |
Herb | Mistletoe |
Stone | Amethyst |
Color | Green |
Herb | Devil's Shoestring, Lucky Hand, Pecan |
Stone | Tiger's Eye |
Color | Black |
Herb | Angelica, Arbutus, Asafoetida, Avens, Basil, Beans, Birch, Boneset, Buckthorn, Clove, Clover, Cumin, Devil's Bit, DragonÕs Blood, Elder, Fern, Fleabane, Frankincense, Fumitory, Grlic, Heliotrope, Horehound, Horseradish, Juniper, Leek, Liliac, Mallow, Mint, Mistletoe, Mullein, Myrrh, Nettle, Onion, Peach, Peony, Pepper Pine, Rosemary, Rue, Sagebrush, Sandalwood, Sloe, Snapdragon, Tamarisk, Thistle, Witch Grass, Yarrow |
Stone | Bloodstone, Jasper |
Color | Green |
Herb | Agaric, Banana, Bistort, Bodhi, Carrot, Cuckoo-Flower, Cucumber, Cyclamen, Daffodil, Dock, Fig, Geranium, Grape, Hawthorn, Hazel, Horsetail, Mandrake, Mistletoe, Mustard, Myrtle, Nuts, Oak, Olive, Date Palm, Patchouly, Peach, Pine, Pomegranite, Poppy, Rice, Sunflower, Wheat |
Stone | Geodes |
Color | Pink |
Herb | Chickweed, Chili Pepper, Clover, Cumin, Elder, Licorice, Magnolia, Nutmeg, Rhubarb, Rye, Scullup, Spikenard, Giant Vetch, Yerba Mate |
Stone | Amethyst, Herkimer Diamonds |
Color | Pink |
Herb | Lemon, Love Seed, Passion Flower, Sweetpea |
Stone | Aventurine |
Color | Green |
Herb | Angelica, Chamomile, Devil's Shoestring |
Stone | Aventurine, Tiger's Eye |
Color | Green |
Herb | Apples |
Stone | Herkimer Diamond, Jasper |
Color | Yellow |
Herb | Vervain |
Stone | Hematite, Moonstone, Halite (Salt) |
Color | Blue, Pink |
Herb | Catnip, Celendine, Cyclamen, Hawthorn, Hyacinth, Lavender, Lily of the Valley, Marijoram, Meadowsweet, Morning Glory, Purslane, Quince, Saffron, St. JohnÕs Wort, Witch Grass |
Stone | Amethyst, Aventurine, Herkimer Diamond |
Color | Green, Violet, Brown, Blue |
Herb | AddlerÕs Tongue, Allspice, Amaranth, Angelica, Balm of Lemon, Balm of Gilead, Barley, Bay, Bittersweet, Blackberry, Bracken, Burdock, Calamus, Carnation, Cedar, Cinammon, Citron, Cowslip, Cucumber, Dock, Elder, Eucalyptus, Fennel, Figwort, Flax, Gardenia, Garlic, Ginseng, GoatÕs Rue, Golden Seal, Groundsel, Heliotrope, Hemp, Henna, Hops, Horehound, Horse Chestnut, Ivy, Job's Tears, Life Everlasting, Lime, Mesquite, Mint, Mugwort, Myrrh, Nettle, Oak, Olive, Onion, Peppermint, Pepper Tree, Persimmon, Pine, Plaintain, Potato, Rose, Rosemary, Rowan, Rue, Saffron, Sandalwood, Spearmint, Thistle, Thyme, Ti, Tobacco, Vervain, Violet, Wild Plum, Willow, Wintergreen, Wood Sorrel, Yerba Santa |
Stone | Amethyst, Aventurine, Bloodstone, Calcite, carnelian, Quartz Crystal, Hematite, Herkimer Diamond, Jasper, Tiger's Eye |
Color | White |
Herb | Amaranth, Chicory, Edelweiss, Fern, Heliotrope, Mistletoe, Poppy, Wolf's Bane |
Stone | Bloodstone, Tigers Eye |
Color | Green, Brown |
Herb | Buckthorne, Cascara Sagrada, Celandine, Hickory, Marigold, Skunk Cabbage |
Stone | Amethyst, Bloodstone |
Color | Green |
Herb | Cypress, Lavender, Lemon, Life-Everlasting, Maple, Peach, Sage, Tansy |
Stone | Fossils, Jasper |
Color | Red, Pink |
Herb | Adam and Eve, Aloe, Apple, Apricot, Aster, Avens, Avocado, BachelorÕs Butons, Balm of Lemon, Balm of Gilead, Barley, Basil, Beans, Bedstraw, Beet, Betony, Bleeding Heart, Bloodroot, Brazil Nut, Caper, Cardamon, Catnip, Chamomile, Cherry, Chestnut, Chickweed, Chili Pepper, Cinnamon, Clove, Clover, Cohosh, Coltsfoot, Columbine, Copal, Coriander, Crocus, Cubeb, Cuckoo-Flower, Daffodil, Daisy, Damiana, Devil's Bit, Dill, Dogbane, Dragon's Blood, Dutchman's Breeches, Elecampane, Elm, Endive, Eryngo, Fig, Fuzzy Weed, Gardenia, Gentian, Geranium, Ginger, Ginseng, Grains of Paradise, Hemp, Hibiscus, High John the Conqueror, Houseleek, Hycinth, Indian Paint Brush, Jasmine, Joe-Pye Weed, Juniper, Kava-Kava, Lad's Mantle, Lavender, Leek, Lemon, Lemon Verbena, Licorice, Lime, Linden, Liverwort, Lobelia, Lotus, Lovage, Love Seed, Maidenhair, Male Fern, Mallow, Mandrake, Maple, Marljoram, Mastic, Meadow Rue, Meadowsweet, Mimosa, Mistletoe, Moonwort, Myrtle, Nuts, Oleandar, Orange, Orchid, Pansy, Papya, Pea, Peach, Pear, PeppermintPeriwinkle, Pimento, Plum, Plumeria, Poppy, Prickley Ash, Primrose, Purslane, Quassia, Quince, Raspberry, Rose, Rosemary, Rue, Rye, Saffron, Sarsaparilla, Scullcap, Senna, Snakeroot, Southernwood, Spearmint, Spiderwort, Strawberry, Sugar Cane, Sumbul, Tamarind, Thyne, Tomato, Tonka,Tormentil, Trillium, Tulip, Valerian, Vanilla, Venus Flytrap, Vervain, Vertivert, Violet, Willow, Witchgrass, Wormwood, Yarrow, Yerba Mate, Yohimbe |
Stone | Amethyst, Calcite, Jasper, Lepidolite, Moonstone |
Color | Green, Orange |
Herb | Allspice, Aloe, Bamboo, Banyan, Be-Still, Bluebell, Cabbage, Calamus, China Berry, Cinchona, Cotton, Daffadil, Devil's Bit, Fern, Grains of PAradaise, Hazel, Heather, Holly, Houseleek, Huckleberry, Irish Moss, Job's Tears, Linden, Lucky Hand, Male Fern, Moss, Nutmeg, Oak, Orange, Persimmon, Pineapple, Pomegranite, Poppy, Purslane, Rose, Snakeroot, Star Anise, Straw, Strawberry, Sumbul, Vertivert, Violet, Wood Rose |
Stone | Aventurine, Lepidolite, Tiger's Eye |
Color | Violet |
Herb | Cinnamon, Club Moss |
Stone | Bloodstone, Crystal Quartz |
Color | Blue |
Herb | Bodhi, Gotu Kola |
Stone | Amethyst, Geodes |
Color | Yellow |
Herb | Caraway, Celery, Eyebright, Grape, Horehound, Lily of the Valley |
Stone | Aventurine, Herkimer Diamond |
Color | Green |
Herb | Alfalfa, Allspice, Almond, Basil, Bergamot, Blackberry, Bladderwrack, Blue Flag, Briony, Bromeliad, Buckwheat, Calamus, Camelia, Cascara Sagrada, Cashew, Cedar, Chamomile, Cinnimon, Cinqufoil, Clove, Clover, Comfrey, Cowslip, Dill, Dock, Elder, Fenugreek, Fern, Flax, Fumitory, Galangal, Ginger, Goldenrod, Golden Seal, Gorse, Grape, Heliotrope, High John the Conqueror, Honesty, Honeysuckle, Horse Chestnut, Irish Moss, Jasmine, Lucky Hand, Mandrake, Maple, Marjoram, May Apple, Mint, Moonwort, Moss, Myrtle, Nutmeg, Oak, Oats, Onion, Orange, Oregon Grape, Parchouly, Pea, Periwinkle, Pine, Pineapple, Pipsissewa, Pomegranite, Popla, Poppy, Rattlesnake Root, Rice, Snapdragon, Sassafras, Seamae, Snakeroot, Squill, Tea, Tonka, Trillium, Vervain |
Stone | Amethyst, Aventurine, Bloodstone, Calcite, Herkimer Diamond, Jasper, Halite (Salt), Tiger's Eye |
Color | Black |
Herb | Betony, Cedar |
Stone | Lepidolite |
Color | White |
Herb | Dulse, Eryngo, Gardenia, Lavender, Loosetrife, Meadowsweet, Morning Glory, Myrtle, Olive, Passion Flower, Pennyroyal, Scullcap, Vervain, Violet |
Stone | Ametyhest, Aventurine, Calcite, Herkimer Diamond, Jasper, Lepidolite |
Color | Red |
Herb | Carnation |
Stone | Calcite, Herkimer Diamond, Tiger's Eye |
Color | Red |
Herb | Carnation |
Stone | Bloodstone, Herkimer Diamond |
Color | White |
Herb | Acacia, Africian Violet, Agrimony, Ague Root, Aloe, Althea, Alyssum, Amaranth, Anemone, Angelica, Anise, Arbutus, Asafoetida, Ash, Balm Of Gilead, Bamboo, Barley, Basil, Bay, Bean, Betony, Birch, Bittersweet, Blackberry, Bladderwrack, Bloodroot, Blueberry, Bodhi, Boneset, Briony, Bromeliad, Broom, Buckthorn, Burdock, Cactus, Calamus, Caraway, Cohosh, Cotton, Cumin, Curry, Cyclamen, Cypress, Datura, Devil's Bit, Devil's Shoestring, Dill, Dogwood, Dragon's Blood, Ebony, Elder, Elecampane, Eucalyptus, Euphoria, Fennel, Fern, Feverwort, Figwort, Flax, Fleabane, Foxglove, Frankincense, Galangal, Garlic, Geranium, Ginseng, Gorse, Gourd, Grain, Grass, Hazel, Heather, Holly, Honeysuckle, Horehound, Houseleek, Hyacinth, Hyssop, Irish Moss, Ivy, Juniper, Kava Kava, Lady's Slipper, Larch, Larkspur, Lavender, Leek, Lettuce, Lilac, Lily, Lime, Linden, Liquidamber, Loosestrife, Lotus, Lucky Hand, Mallow, Mandrake, Marigold, Masterwort, Meadow Rue, Mimosa, Mint, Mistletoe, Molluka, Mugwort, Mulberry, Mullein, Mustard, Myrrh, Nettle, Norfolk Island Pine, Oak, Olive, Onion, Orris, Papya, Papyrus, Parslye, Pennyroyal, Peony, Pepper, Peppertree, Periwinkle, Pilot Weed, Pimpernal, Pine, Plantain, Plum, Primrose, Perslane, Quince, Radish, Ragwort, Raspberry, Rattlesnake Root, Rhubarb, Rice, Roots, Rose, Rosemary, Rowan, Sage, St. Johns Wort, Sandalwood, Sloe, Snapdragon, Southernwood, Spanish Moss, Squill, Tamarisk, Thistle, Ti, Toadflax, Tomato, Tormentil, Tulip, Valerian, Venus Flytrap, Vervain, Violet, Wax Plant, Willow, Wintergreen, Witch Hazel, Wolf's Bane, Woodruff, Wormwood, Yerba Santa, Yucca |
Stone | Aventurine, Calcite, Crystal Quartz, Fossils, Herkimer Diamond, Jasper, Lepidolite, Moonstone, Halite (Salt), Tiger's Eye |
Color | Yellow |
Herb | Acacia, Althea, Bay, Bladderwack, Borage, Buchu, Celery, Cinnamon, Citron, Elecampane, Eyebright, Flax, Galangal, Grass, Honeysuckle, Lemongrass, Mace, Marigold, Mastic, Mugwort, Peppermint, Rose, Rowan, Saffron, Star Anise, Stillengia, Sumbul, Thyme, Uva Ursi, Wormwood, Yarrow, Yerba Santa |
Stone | Amethyst, Crystal Quartz |
Color | White |
Herb | Alkanet, Anise, Arable, Asafoetida, Avens, Bay, Benzoin, Betony, Bloodwort, Broom, Cedar, Chamomile, Coconut, Copal, Euphorbia, Fennel, Horseradish, Hyssop, Iris, Lavender, Lemon, Lemon Verbana, Mimosa, Parsley, Peppermint, Pepper Tree, Rosemary, Sagebrush, Shallot, Thistle, Thyme, Tobacco, Tumeric, Valerian, Vervain, Yucca |
Stone | Calcite, Halite (Salt) |
Color | Orange |
Herb | Beans |
Stone | Calcite, Herkimer Diamond |
Color | Red |
Herb | Banana, Beans, Caper, Cohosh, Dragon's Blood, Oak, Olive |
Stone | Herkimer Diamond, Jasper |
Color | Blue |
Herb | Agrimony, Chamomile, Cinquefoil, Datura, Elder, Hops, Lavender, Lettuce, Linden, Passion Flower, Peppermint, Purslane, Rosemary, Thyme, Valerian, Vervain |
Stone | Moonstone |
Color | White |
Herb | African Violet, Aloe, Cinnamon, Frankincense, Gardenia, Myrrh, Sandalwood |
Stone | Calcite, Herkimer Diamond, Lepidolite |
Color | Green |
Herb | Cinnamon, Clover, Ginger, High John the Conqueror, Rowan, Wahoo, Winter's Bark |
Stone | Aventurine |
Color | Brown |
Herb | Mint |
Stone | Herkimer Diamond |
Color | Yellow |
Herb | Bodhi, Iris, Peach, Sage, Sunflower |
Stone | Jasper |